Faculty of Communication




The Faculty

Istinye University Faculty of Communication aims to educate its students, knowing the necessities and needs of the age, in today's world where every event is conveyed through media apparatus. In this direction, the Communication Faculty provides its graduates with the competencies to work in many sector areas. Furthermore, thanks to its equipment, course materials, and collaborations with the industry, the Communication Faculty prepares its students for the day's conditions before they graduate. At this point, academicians plan meetings with people from the sector, offer successful students internship opportunities in the sector and media center, and promise the students who have not graduated the knowledge and self-confidence yet to work in the sector.

Dean’s Message


peyami celikcanProf. Peyami ÇELİKCAN

Communication is undoubtedly the symbol of modernity in the 21st century, and its scope is invaluable. Therefore, communication, which plays a fundamental role in social and cultural relations, is the perfect tool to educate future generations. At this point, Istinye University Faculty of Communication has an educational approach that fosters humanist and cultural learning in theoretical and applied communication.

Istinye University Faculty of Communication provides the reflective approach of the Social and Human Sciences field and a critical analysis of current and past events. It provides the necessary training to reason about individual and social questions. Istinye University Faculty of Communication develops the ability to observe, abstract, argue logically, seek truth, and develop creativity.

The dynamism of the classrooms, the technological infrastructure, the options offered to the students, the distinguished academic staff, and the participation of industry professionals and a climate suitable for the dynamism of the field of communication await our esteemed students at Istinye University Faculty of Communication.

Istinye University Faculty of Communication is an ideal faculty for anyone who wants to work in theoretical, design, and applied Communications and is willing to strive and compete for success and professional recognition. We welcome young who think and express what they feel and produce to Istinye University Faculty of Communication…