He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics in 2000. In 2003, he received his master's degree in Marketing from Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration. In 2006, he completed Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Relations and Publicity his doctorate degree. In 2013, he continued his post-doctoral research in the Department of Management Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Canada and in the Department of Marketing at the University of Toronto in 2014. In 2015, he held a post-doctorate degree at Niagara University Department of Marketing, Kent State University Department of Management and Information Systems, Quinnipiach University Department of Marketing and Advertising, North Florida University Department of International Business in 2015. He worked in Spain and United Kingdom with the Erasmus program. In 2016, he was a visiting participant in the Department of Marketing and Management at University of Perugia, Italy. In 2000, he started to work as a Research Assistant at Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration (Marketing). In 2004, he worked as a Lecturer in Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Advertising in Bishkek. In 2013, he became an Assist. Prof. Dr. in the Department of Management Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He worked as a lecturer in Maltepe University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Publicity in 2005, as a Assistant Prof. Dr. in 2006, as a Assoc. Dr., in 2017. Between 2020-2022 He worked as a Prof. Dr at Maltepe University. He received the title of Associate Professor in the field of Public Relations in 2014 and the title of Professor in 2020. Having assumed administrative duties such as department chair, vice dean, institute asistant director, institute director, head of department at different universities. Kırdar still continues his work at İstinye University Faculty of Communication as a Dean, Head of Public Relations and Advertising Department and Head of Communication Sciences Doctorate Program. He gave lectures at undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels in the fields of communication, advertising, marketing communication, public relations, consumer behavior and entrepreneurship. He gave seminars in the training programs of various institutions and organizations at international and national level. He has completed 30 master's and 6 doctoral thesis. As a Kosgeb accredited lecturer, he gave Applied Entrepreneurship trainings. Family Counseling, Inter-Family Communication and Family Economy trainings approved by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. In Ilad Communication Studies Association Iledak he is working as an evaluator. He serves as the Head of the Department of Communication Sciences Doctorate Program, Head of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Director of the Graduate Education Institute. He is a Senator and Board of Director of İstinye University
Araştırma Alanları
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Marketing Communication
- Consumer Behaviours
- Corporate Communication
- Communication Models
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Çalışma Alanları
- Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı
- Halkla İlişkiler
- Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi
- Kurumsal İletişim
- İtibar Yönetimi
- Q3 - WOS, SCOPUS "Measuring Patient Satisfaction of Foreign Patients Receiving Services in Private Hospitals and Foundation University Hospitals", 2025
- Reklamcılık ve Yapay Zeka Pratiklerini Toplumbilimsel Çözümleme Yöntemiyle İnceleme: Sephora Reklam Filmleri, 2024
- Music in the Age of Digital Technology, 2023
- Kültürlerarası Pazarlama İletişimi Farklılıkları, 2023
- Hizmet Sektöründe Müşterinin Memnuniyetinin Pazarlamaya Etkisi: Starbucks, Caffe Nero ve Kahve Dünyası Örneği, 2020
- Consumer Relations Management: CRM, 2018
- The World Wide Web as Media for Public Relations: The Case Study of Organizations Use of the Internet in Turkey, 2018
- Cluster Mapping of Medical Tourism in Turkey and Regional Clustering For Health Tourism, 2016
- Reflection of Country of Origin on Brand Image: A Case Study on IKEA Istanbul, 2012
- Corporate Reputation Management in Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, 2012
- Mistisizm in Subliminal Advertising, 2012
- Q2 - WOS, SCOPUS, PubMed, Medline. "The Role of Public Relations for Image Creating in Health Services; A Sample Patient Satisfaction Survey", 2007
- Internet As Crisis Communication Tool: Case Study Of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Crisis, 2007
- Corporate Communication Forms and Interaction Process, 2005
- Marka Stratejilerinin Oluşturulması; Coca-Cola Örneği, 2005
- Dış Pazarlara Yönelme Nedenleri ve Stratejileri (Coca-Cola Örneği), 2005
- Perception Management, Transformation, and Strategies in Public Relations from the Perspective of the Sora Artificial Intelligence Model,
- “Customer Relationship Management’s Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Sales Professionals’ Sales Performance: Turkey’s Top 500 Companies, 2022
- Dijital Çizim Sanatında Flat Vektör İllüstrasyonlar, 2023
- Sürdürülebilir Pazarlama Sürecinde Green Marketing Yeşil Çevreci Pazarlama nın Önemi,
- Genç İzlerkitle Üzerinde Televizyon İzleme Alışkanlığı İle İlgili Bir Araştırma,
- Kriz İletişimi Aracı Olarak Internet Kuş Gribi Krizi Örneği,
- Gıda Sektöründe Ambalaj Renginin Seçilmesi Margarin Pazarında Uygulama Örneği,
- Ethical Problems and Rules of Internet Netiquette,
- Erkek Magazin Dergilerinde Erkek Bedeninin İnşası ve Temsili,
- Basics and Examples of Guerrilla Advertising,
- Cluster Mapping of Medical Tourism in Turkey and Regional Clustering For Health Tourism,
- Satın Alma Davranışında Yeni Tüketiciler Çocuklar ve Tetikleyicileri Reklâmlar,
- Theory and Research in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences, ISBN: 978-605-71770- 7-0, 2022
- Dijital Kültür, ISBN: 978-625-6942- 88-2, 2023
- Orta Yaş Bireylerin Reklama Bakış Açısı ve Reklam Okuryazarlığı Düzeyleri: Ankara İli Örneği, ISBN: 978-605- 254-614-7, 2022
- 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin Modernleşmesi ve Atatürk, ISBN: 978-62594062-0-6, 2023
- Genişletilmiş Gerçeklik ve Medya XR Teknolojileri, ISBN: 978-625-433-685-0, 2022
- THE BOOK of JAMMO A Compilation of Articles and Interviews, ISBN: 978 605 68075-1-0, 2018
- Dikkat Pazarlama, ISBN: 978-605-9837-20-0, 2016
- Dikkat Pazarlama, ISBN: 978-605-9837-20-0, 2016
- Dikkat Pazarlama, ISBN: 978-605-9837-20-0, 2016
- Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi Aracı Olarak Ürün Yerleştirme, ISBN: 978-3-639-81370-8, 2016
- Dikkat Pazarlama, ISBN: 978-605-9837-20-0, 2016
- İletişimde Post Yazılar, ISBN: ISBN: 978-605-337-109-0, 2019
- İletişimde Post Yazılar, ISBN: ISBN: 978-605-337-109-0, 2016
- Recent Ideas and Research in Social Sciences, ISBN: , 2016
- Müzakere ve Farklı Boyutları, ISBN: 978-605-61394-5-1, 2012
- Dünden Bugüne Halkla İlişkiler Kitabı, ISBN: 978-975-8890-73-5, 2009
- Postmodern Pazarlama ve Tüketim Kültürü, ISBN: 978-605-4575-30-5, 2012
- Pazarlama Halkla İlişkileri MPR, ISBN: 978-605-4575-31-2, 2012
- 19 Mayıs 100. yıl Özel Ödülü, 2019
- Milliyet Gazetesi En İyi Gencim Eki, 2008