Tugay Sarıkaya completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema at Kadir Has University in 2012. He then pursued a master's degree in New Media at the Social Sciences Institute of the same university, presenting his thesis titled "Limited Effects of Social Media And Relevance of Opinion Leader Theory on Arab Spring: The Case Of Tunisia And Egypt" in 2016. He completed his doctoral studies in Media and Communication Studies at Istanbul Commerce University in 2023 with a dissertation titled "The Impact of Virtual Communities on the Formation and Reproduction of Cultural Memory, Neighborhood Identity, and Culture." From 2016 to 2017, he worked as a research assistant in the Department of New Media at Gelişim University's Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Between 2018 and 2023, he served as a research assistant in the Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema at Istinye University's Faculty of Communication, subsequently continuing as an assistant professor in the same department and university. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of New Media at Istinye University's Faculty of Communication. He also serves as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication. Throughout his career, Tugay Sarıkaya has received several awards and scholarships, including the Turkey Informatics Association and Turkcell Academic Education Scholarship (2013) and the Kadir Has University Honor Scholarship (2011). In addition to his academic achievements, he has worked professionally as an editor at Netbu Medya (2012-2013), a data specialist at Meeting Point Turkey (2014-2015), and a team leader for data specialists at Meeting Point International (2015-2016). He also worked as a freelance copywriter from 2016 to 2018 and has numerous international and national articles and studies to his credit.
Araştırma Alanları
- Media and Communication
- Social Media
- Media and Culture
Çalışma Alanları
- Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı
- İletişim Çalışmaları
- Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri
- Dijital İletişim
- İletişim Kuramları
- Reflections of ChatGPT on Gender Discourse: A Qualitative Analysis of Generated Stories, 2024
- The virtual mask: The dark underbelly of digital anonymity and gender identity construction in Turkey, 2023
- The effects of interactions in virtual communities on social media in the shaping and reproducing of cultural memory, neighborhood identity, and culture, 2023
- Sustainability as a communication policy created by the economic system, 2023
- Transformation of condolence in the digital age: a case study on Turkish culture, 2022
- Uyuşturucu Temalı Dizilerin Gençler Tarafından Alımlanması: Breaking Bad (2008) ve Narcos (2015) Örneği, 2020
- Çerçeveleme Kuramı Bağlamında Türkiye’nin Suriyeli Göçmenlere Avrupa Sınırlarını Açmasının Gazetelere Yansıması: Sabah ve Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Örnekleri, 2020
- Şöhret Kültürü ve Politik Yönelimler: Şöhretlerin Üniversite Öğrencilerinin PolitikDuruşlarına ve Yönelimlerine Etkisi Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme, 2020
- Irkçılık ve Cinsiyetçilik Ekseninde Oyunların Gençler Tarafından Alımlanması: GTA V Örneği, 2020
- Analyzing Political Economy of Harry Potter and its Global Reflections, 2019
- Medya ve İletişim Çalışmalarına Habermas’ın Katkıları,
- Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşı Sırasında Ülkelerin Kullandıkları Deepfake Videoların İncelenmesi, 2023
- “Modern Dünyanın Örtülü Ön Kabulü: “Yaşlanmak Kötüdür", 2023
- Yeniden Çekim Belgesele Uyarlanabilir Mi? Safranbolu’da Zaman ve Zamanda Safranbolu Belgesel Film Örnekleri, 2023
- “Sanal Toplulukların Semt Kültürü Ve Kimliğine Etkisi: Fikirtepe Halkı Sanal Semt Topluluğu Örneği, 2023
- Irkçılık ve Cinsiyetçilik Ekseninde Oyunların Gençler Tarafından Alımlanması: GTA V Örneği, 2020
- Eleştirel Medya Araştırmaları: Kültür, Teori ve Uygulama, ISBN: 6256885953, 2024
- Eleştirel Medya Araştırmaları, ISBN: 978-625-6885-95-0, 2024
- Transformed Communication Codes in the Mediated World: A Contemporary Perspective, ISBN: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0896-7.ch011, 2024
- Medya ve Tüketim I, ISBN: 978-625-8108-94-1, 2021