Nezih Erdoğan teaches Film Theory, Film History and Storytelling at Istinye University, Istanbul. He has published articles and book chapters on colonial discourse, national identity, and sound and body in Turkish popular cinema, the reception of Hollywood in Turkey, censorship and the distribution-exhibition of American films in Turkey. His chapter “Violent images: hybridity and excess in The Man who Saved the World” appeared in Mapping the Margins: Identity, Politics and the Media (2002). He co-edited Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in European Context (with Miyase Christensen, 2008). His book, Sinemanın İstanbul’da İlk Yılları: Modernlik ve Seyir Maceraları/Early Years of Cinema in Istanbul: Adventures in Modernity and Spectatorship was published in 2017. He co-edited with Ebru Kayaalp Exploring Past Images in a Digital Age: Reinventing the Archive which came out from Amsterdam University Press (2023).
Araştırma Alanları
- Film Theory
- Film Studies
- Film History
Çalışma Alanları
- Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı
- Sinema
- Sinema Tarihi
- Sinema Kuramları
- Film Eleştirisi
- Book Review: New Perspectives on Early Cinema History: Concepts, Approaches, Audiences by Mario Slugan and Daniel Biltereyst (eds), 2024
- Star director as symptom: reflections on the reception of Fatih Akn in the Turkish media, 2009
- Institutional Intervention in the Distribution and Exhibition of Hollywood Films in Turkey, 2002
- Mute bodies, disembodied voices: notes on sound in Turkish popular cinema, 2002
- Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Digital Shadow Theater, 2000
- Veiled and Revealed, 2000
- Narratives of resistance: national identity and ambivalence in the Turkish melodrama between 1965 and 1975, 2000
- Exploring Past Images in a Digital Age: Reinventing the Archive, ISBN: 9789463723442, 2023
- Eskimeyen Filmler/Timeless Movies 2, ISBN: 978-605-9125-73-4, 2018
- Orienting Istanbul: Cultural Capital of Europe?, ISBN: 9780203844427, 2010
- International Film Musical, ISBN: 978 0 7486 3476 7, 2012
- Eskimeyen Filmler / Timeless Movies, ISBN: 978-605-9125-58-1, 2017