Faculty of Communication

Ex-libris Workshop Has Started!

Ex-libris Workshop within the scope of ISU Faculty of Communication Skills Development Workshops, Istanbul Ex-libris Association President and Visual Communication Design faculty member Prof. It started at 11:00 on Tuesday, April 12, under the coordination of Hasip Pektaş.

The workshop, in which the first lesson progresses in the form of "Meet and Information Meeting", aims to gain theoretical and practical skills on ex-libris by progressing every week. The workshop is open to all students and personnel interested in art, design, ex-libris, books and collecting.

*Ex-libris are small-sized original works on which their names and pictures on various subjects are pasted by book lovers on the inside cover of their books. It is the business card or deed of the book. It introduces the owner of the book, glorifies him, and warns the borrower to return it.