Faculty of Communication

Ex-libris Workshop Starting Soon!

The Ex-libris Workshop, which will be held within the scope of Istinye University Faculty of Communication Skills Development Workshops, will start on Wednesday, November 29, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş, head of the Istanbul Ex-libris Association and the Visual Communication Design department. Classes will be held in Vadi H Campus, classroom number V-310, between 13:00 and 16:00.

Those who attend the 3-week workshop will be entitled to receive a certificate. Courses are open to the participation of academic and administrative staff. Those who wonder what ex-libris is, those who want to produce ex-libris with linoleum and printmaking technique, those who want to acquire a new skill and hobby are welcome to the workshop.

For a limited number of participants:

*Ex-librises are small-sized original works with names and pictures on various subjects that book lovers paste on the inside cover of their books. It is the business card or title deed of the book. He introduces the owner of the book, glorifies him and warns the person who borrowed the book to bring it back.