Faculty of Communication

Visual Communication Design

Why Visual Communication Design?

Visual Communication Design has a professional profile that includes three basic elements: design as a method, communication as a purpose, and visuality as a medium, as well as an interdisciplinary structure. In the digital age we live in, communication technologies are developing rapidly and professions are also transforming in direct proportion. This reality requires that the programs of interdisciplinary departments such as visual communication design be up-to-date.

Istinye University Visual Communication Design graduates graduate as creative thinkers who solve communication problems with smart, clear and attractive visual solutions. He is the creator of original and innovative proposals for visual identity. As Istinye University Visual Communication Design Department, we closely follow communication technologies and sectoral developments; In this direction, we reflect the needs of the age in our department curriculum. We care about providing education to our students with high-level technical facilities, modern hardware and software.

In addition to practices that take into account the needs of the sector, we offer an education that combines theory that will develop students' vision and intellectual infrastructure. In addition, students can receive solution-oriented communication support with their advisors during their education and after graduation.

However, students can become part of international innovation and design networks. With the academic staff of the department with extensive professional experience, students have an idea about the subjects that provide expertise in the professional field and have the opportunity to choose between these specialization subjects.

In addition to all these, as İstinye University, we offer our students the opportunity to study in different fields within the scope of minor and double major programs. Thus, Visual Communication Design students have the opportunity to take a step forward in their business life by graduating from different departments at the same time.