Within the scope of the Faculty of Communication İSÜATÖLYE Skill Development Workshops, the Ex-libris Workshop with Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş will start on October 22, 2024.

ADforce's University visits, sponsored by Pastavilla, took place at İstinye University Faculty of Communication on June 3, 2024. In light of the brief given, our students developed ideas for the advertising campaign.

The still life, collage, lens, subjective portrait, storyboard works made in the "Basic Design" course, the press release, banner works made in the "Advertising Design Applications" course, and the food, beverage, and cosmetic packaging works made in the "Packaging Design" course by the students of the Visual Communication Design Department were exhibited in the department.

Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş held an ex-libris workshop with the students of Bahçelievler Aydın Doğan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School on April 26, 2024.

AR Poster Hackathon exhibition was held by İstinye University, Faculty of Communication on Friday, March 29, 2024 at 15:00 in the Vadi H Campus Foyer area. In the group exhibition with the theme "Designing the Future", the works of many artists working in the field of augmented reality are exhibited.

Faculty of Communication faculty member Dr. Rana Öztürk organized a trip to the Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum with the students of the Visual Communication Design department as part of the Art History course. During the trip, the course instructor guided the students about periods and works. Students had the opportunity to closely examine the works dated to different periods, which were the subject of the course.
The fourth Media Harvest event, organized by the Faculty of Communication every year in the Fall and Spring semesters, was held on Thursday, November 23, at Vadi Campus, Building H, Conference Hall.
Students received awards from the courses given by Visual Communication Design department faculty members Prof Hasip Pektaş, Prof Hatice Öz Pektaş and Cahit Üstün. Awards were given in the categories of Best Basic Design, Best Advertising Graphic Applications, Best Publication Design, Best Experimental Ex-libris Design, Best Computer Visual Design, Best Advanced Typography and Best Advertising Photography.
We congratulate all our students who shared their projects and knowledge in the fourth Media Harvest and were inspired for new projects.
Students received awards from the courses given by Visual Communication Design department faculty members Prof Hasip Pektaş, Prof Hatice Öz Pektaş and Cahit Üstün. Awards were given in the categories of Best Basic Design, Best Advertising Graphic Applications, Best Publication Design, Best Experimental Ex-libris Design, Best Computer Visual Design, Best Advanced Typography and Best Advertising Photography.
We congratulate all our students who shared their projects and knowledge in the fourth Media Harvest and were inspired for new projects.

The Ex-libris Workshop, which will be held within the scope of Istinye University Faculty of Communication Skills Development Workshops, will start on Wednesday, November 29, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş, head of the Istanbul Ex-libris Association and the Visual Communication Design department. Classes will be held in Vadi H Campus, classroom number V-310, between 13:00 and 16:00.
Those who attend the 3-week workshop will be entitled to receive a certificate. Courses are open to the participation of academic and administrative staff. Those who wonder what ex-libris is, those who want to produce ex-libris with linoleum and printmaking technique, those who want to acquire a new skill and hobby are welcome to the workshop.
*Ex-librises are small-sized original works with names and pictures on various subjects that book lovers paste on the inside cover of their books. It is the business card or title deed of the book. He introduces the owner of the book, glorifies him and warns the person who borrowed the book to bring it back.
Those who attend the 3-week workshop will be entitled to receive a certificate. Courses are open to the participation of academic and administrative staff. Those who wonder what ex-libris is, those who want to produce ex-libris with linoleum and printmaking technique, those who want to acquire a new skill and hobby are welcome to the workshop.
*Ex-librises are small-sized original works with names and pictures on various subjects that book lovers paste on the inside cover of their books. It is the business card or title deed of the book. He introduces the owner of the book, glorifies him and warns the person who borrowed the book to bring it back.

Organized by Istinye University Faculty of Communication, the 3rd International Media and Society Symposium was held on 24-25-26 May 2023 with the title of Digital Culture. Exhibitions and workshops were organized within the scope of the symposium, which was held as a hybrid.
The opening session, which started at 10:00 on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, was held at the Vadi Campus Conference Hall and online on the zoom platform. In the opening session that started under the chairmanship of faculty member Prof Nezih Erdoğan; Vincent Miller, Sevinç Gülseçen, Scott R. Rettberg and Mutlu Binark attended as invited speakers. From the second day of the symposium, the sessions continued online. Many papers were presented within the scope of the symposium, in which a total of 31 sessions were held, apart from the opening and closing. The symposium will be held on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 16:00. It ended with the closing session moderated by Sadi Kerim Dündar.
The opening session, which started at 10:00 on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, was held at the Vadi Campus Conference Hall and online on the zoom platform. In the opening session that started under the chairmanship of faculty member Prof Nezih Erdoğan; Vincent Miller, Sevinç Gülseçen, Scott R. Rettberg and Mutlu Binark attended as invited speakers. From the second day of the symposium, the sessions continued online. Many papers were presented within the scope of the symposium, in which a total of 31 sessions were held, apart from the opening and closing. The symposium will be held on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 16:00. It ended with the closing session moderated by Sadi Kerim Dündar.

The 5th International Ex-libris Competition Exhibition, organized with the cooperation of Istinye University Faculty of Communication, Selcuk Pharmaceutical Warehouse and Istanbul Ex-libris Association, will be exhibited again in the Vadistanbul Shopping Center Ground Floor event area on May 22-30, 2023 as part of the 3rd International Media and Communication Symposium of Istinye University Faculty of Communication.
Event: 5th International Ex-libris Competition Repeat Exhibition
Organizer of the Event: Istinye University Faculty of Communication
Event Date: 22-30 May 2023
Event Time: 10:00-22:00
Event Venue: Vadistanbul AVM Ground Floor
For Online Exhibition Catalogue: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/67327672/5international-exlibris-competition-istanbul-2022
Address: Ayazaga Mah. Azerbaijan Cad. (Eski Cendere Cad.) No: 3/C Sarıyer Istanbul.
Event: 5th International Ex-libris Competition Repeat Exhibition
Organizer of the Event: Istinye University Faculty of Communication
Event Date: 22-30 May 2023
Event Time: 10:00-22:00
Event Venue: Vadistanbul AVM Ground Floor
For Online Exhibition Catalogue: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/67327672/5international-exlibris-competition-istanbul-2022
Address: Ayazaga Mah. Azerbaijan Cad. (Eski Cendere Cad.) No: 3/C Sarıyer Istanbul.

One of our faculty members, Dr. Instructor Turkey's Giant Structures "Gayrettepe - Istanbul Airport Metro" episode of the Documentary Series, whose member Cahit ÜSTÜN is the Scriptwriter and second Director, was broadcast on TRT 1 and TRT Documentary screens. You can watch all episodes of the series, which has received great interest and appreciation, in which the construction stages of giant projects in our country are explained in detail, on www.trtizle.com and TRT Documentary Official Youtube channel.

Opening of the 5th International Ex-libris Competition Exhibition organized by Istinye University, Selcuk Ecza Deposu and Istanbul Ex-libris Society. 452 artists from 36 countries participated in the competition with 1179 original ex-libris. The jury selected 250 ex-libris from 187 artists for the exhibition and catalogue. Won 8 Artist Awards, 10 Artist Honorable Mentions and 10 Artist Honorary Certificates. The Award Ceremony and Exhibition Opening was held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 15:30 at Istinye University Vadi Campus. Address: Ayazaga Mah. Azerbaijan Cad. Vadistanbul 4A Block, Sariyer / Istanbul. The exhibition can be visited between 10:00-17:00 until 15 December 2022. Video: Enes Aluç
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObUm1ZJms0&t=320s
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObUm1ZJms0&t=320s

Faculty of Communication faculty member Dr. Rana Öztürk organized a trip to the Istanbul Archeology Museum with the Visual Communication Design students within the scope of Art History course. During the trip, the lecturer guided the students about periods and works. Students had the opportunity to closely examine the artifacts dating from different periods, which are also the subject of the course, and experienced the VR work in the "Ancient Futures" exhibition.

Visual Communication Design faculty member Prof. Hasip Pektaş was the guest of the special interview of "Zirvedeki Markalar".
Link: http://www.zirvedekimarkalar.com/
Link: http://www.zirvedekimarkalar.com/

Istinye University, Selçuk Ecza Deposu and Istanbul Ex-libris Society organized an international ex-libris competition open to artists and designers from all countries in order to bring together and evaluate original ex-libris works with high aesthetic and technical quality, to encourage artists and to introduce the art of ex-libris to the public.
The Jury was composed of:
Prof. Dr. Martin R. Baeyens, Ex-libris Artist – Belgium (Chairman of the jury)
Şükrü Ertürk, Ex-libris Artist, Banknote Designer - Turkey
M. Sonay Gürgen, Selçuk Ecza Deposu Chairman of the Board - Turkey
Prof. Dr. Yalçın Kırdar, İstinye University, Faculty of Communication (Vice Dean) - Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş, President of Istanbul Ex-libris Society and Museum – Turkey
452 artists from 36 countries participated in the 5th International Ex-libris Competition with 1179 different ex-libris works. 250 ex-libris from 187 artists have been selected for the exhibition and catalogue. 8 Awards, 10 Honorable Mention and 10 Honorary Certificates have been given to the artists.
Award Ceremony and Opening of Exhibition will be held in November 15, 2022, Tuesday, 03:30 PM at Istinye University Vadi Campus. Address: Ayazaga Mah. Azerbaycan Cad. Vadistanbul 4A Blok, Sarıyer / Istanbul, Turkey. The exhibition can be visited on November 15 - December 15, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM.
1. First Prize (Istinye University); Veselin Damyanov-ves, (Bulgaria)
2. Second Prize (Selçuk Ecza Deposu); Krzysztof Marek Bak, (Poland)
3. Third Prize (Istanbul Ex-libris Society); Marin Gruev, (Bulgaria)
4. Special Prize (Mürşide İçmeli / Dinçer Pilgir); Danski Mariusz, (Poland)
5. Special Prize (Tülay-Şükrü Ertürk); Hedieh Jafari, (Iran)
6. Special Prize (Nesrin-Orhan Akbulut); Mauricio Schvarzman, (Argentina)
7. Special Prize (Ayşe-Noyan Ünal); Gennady Pugachevsky, (Ukraine)
8. Special Prize (Mehmet Rafet Atalık); Emre Şengün, (Turkey)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Ayşen Erte, (Turkey)
2. Erkin Keskin, (Turkey)
3. Grzegorz Izdebski, (Poland)
4. Katarzyna Handzlik, (Poland)
5. Kun Wang, (China)
6. Marek Grzyb, (Poland)
7. Meryem Yeşilkök, (Turkey)
8. Pawel Binczycki, (Poland)
9. Sinem Algan, (Turkey)
10. Snezhina Biserova, (Bulgaria)
Honorary Certificates:
1. Ahmet Selçuk Kızılışık, (Turkey)
2. Christine Deboosere, (Belgium)
3. Elzbieta Radzikowska, (Poland)
4. Ivan Rusachek, (Poland)
5. Julian Jordanov, (Bulgaria)
6. Lukasz Cywicki, (Poland)
7. Martin Manojlin, (Czech Rep.)
8. Oleg Dergachov, (France)
9. Peter Lazarov, (Bulgaria)
10. Rumen Nechev, (Bulgaria)
Exhibition / Catalogue:
1. Agata Perzynska, (Poland)
2. Ahmet Selçuk Kızılışık, (Turkey)
3. Alejandra Coirini, (Argentina)
4. Aleksandra Valchuk, (Ukraine)
5. Alexander Lytkin, (Russia)
6. Alexandru Jakabhazi, (Romania)
7. Andras Reti, (Hungary)
8. Andreas Ramb, (Germany)
9. Andrew Levitsky, (Ukraine)
10. Anıl Çakmak, (Turkey)
11. Anna Tikhonova, (Bulgaria)
12. Anna Trojanowska, (Poland)
13. Arina Ponomareva Sergeevna, (Russia)
14. Aubert Patrick, (France)
15. Ayben Kaynar Tanır, (Turkey)
16. Ayşe Anıl, (Turkey)
17. Ayşegül Kıranoğlu, (Turkey)
18. Ayşen Erte, (Turkey)
19. Bai Wen Lu, (China)
20. Berk Yılmaz, (Turkey)
21. Berna İşbilir Aydın, (Turkey)
22. Berrin İlhan, (Turkey)
23. Büşra Ekmen, (Turkey)
24. C. Gladys Munoz, (Argentina)
25. Canan Bilge, (Turkey)
26. Carla Ibarra, (Mexico)
27. Christine Deboosere, (Belgium)
28. Czeslaw Kazimierrz Wos, (Poland)
29. Danski Mariusz, (Poland)
30. Diego Axel Lazcano, (Argentina)
31. Dimo Milanov, (Bulgaria)
32. Drimaylo Mykhailo, (Ukraine)
33. Durmuş Bahar, (Turkey)
34. Ecmel Sarıkaya, (Turkey)
35. Elena Felicia Selejan, (Romania)
36. Elif Çelik, (Turkey)
37. Elzbieta Radzikowska, (Poland)
38. Emre Şengün, (Turkey)
39. Ercan Tuna, (Germany)
40. Erhun Şengül, (Turkey)
41. Erkin Keskin, (Turkey)
42. Esra G. Güvenç, (Turkey)
43. Eva Ploczekova, (Slovakia)
44. Evangelos Tasios, (Greece)
45. Fevzi Nuri Kara, (Turkey)
46. Fatih Aksular, (Turkey)
47. Florencia Coschignano, (Argentina)
48. Gabriel Bude, (Argentina)
49. Galina Pavlova, (Bulgaria)
50. Gamze Dumlu, (Turkey)
51. Gennady Pugachevsky, (Ukraine)
52. Grzegorz Izdebski, (Poland)
53. Günter Hujber, (Czech Rep.)
54. Hakan Arslan, (Turkey)
55. Hasan Duman, (Turkey)
56. Hedieh Jafari, (Iran)
57. Hong Qiang Xu, (China)
58. Hristo Kerin, (Bulgaria)
59. Hristo Naidenov, (Bulgaria)
60. Igor Cvacho, (Slovakia)
61. Ioannis Anastasiou, (Greece)
62. Irina Kochurova, (Russia)
63. Irina Yelagina, (Russia)
64. Iryna Koliaadina (Ukraine)
65. Ivan Randjelovic, (Serbia)
66. Ivan Rusachek, (Poland)
67. İlka Nur Yavuz, (Turkey)
68. İsmail Aslan, (Turkey)
69. Jacek Marchowski (Polond)
70. Jane Beguchaya, (Russia)
71. Julian Jordanov, (Bulgaria)
72. Julieta Warman, (Argentina)
73. Kafiye Özlem Alp, (Turkey)
74. Kader Sürmeli, (Turkey)
75. Kamil Kocurek, (Turkey)
76. Katarzyna Handzlik, (Poland)
77. Kristina Zilinskaite, (Lithuania)
78. Krzysztof Marek Bak, (Poland)
79. Ksenia Avramova, (Russia)
80. Kun Wang, (China)
81. Leon Leenders, (Belgium)
82. Leonid Kuris, (Israel)
83. Leonid Strofanov, (Russia)
84. Leonova Dina, (Russia)
85. Ludmila Kotelnikova, (Russia)
86. Luigi Casalino, (Italy)
87. Luis Morado, (Argentina)
88. Lukasz Cywicki, (Poland)
89. Magdalena Pawelec, (Poland)
90. Majka Dokudowicz, (Poland)
91. Malou oi Yee Hung, (Hong Kong)
92. Marcela Miranda, (Italy)
93. Marcelina Gebicka, (Poland)
94. Marek Grzyb, (Poland)
95. Maria Maddalena Tuccelli, (Italy)
96. Maria Skorys, (Poland)
97. Marianna Antonacci, (Italy)
98. Marin Gruev, (Bulgaria)
99. Marko Vasic, (Serbia)
100. Martin Manojlin, (Czech Rep.)
101. Marziya Zhaksygarina, (Kazakhstan)
102. Mauricio Schvarzman, (Argentina)
103. Maya Tcholakova, (Bulgaria)
104. Mazlum Cabir Uluyol, (Turkey)
105. Mehmet Arslan Güven, (Turkey)
106. Meral Özdemir, (Turkey)
107. Meryem İmran Karaca, (Turkey)
108. Meryem Yeşilkök, (Turkey)
109. Mevlüt Ünal, (Turkey)
110. Michele Stragliati, (Italy)
111. Mika Sakimoto, (Japan)
112. Ming Fang Ho, (China)
113. Murat Ertürk, (Turkey)
114. Mustafa Kınık, (Turkey)
115. Münüre Şahin, (Turkey)
116. Natalia Leszczynska, (Poland)
117. Natalia Pawlus, (Poland)
118. Nazan Sönmez, (Turkey)
119. Nesligül Hasdemir, (Turkey)
120. Neş’ever Gür, (Turkey)
121. Nida Nur Alamaz, (Turkey)
122. Nilgün Köseoğlu, (Turkey)
123. Nina Kazimova, (Russia)
124. Nityananda Gaine, (Bangladesh)
125. Nurdan Adıgüzel, (Turkey)
126. Nurten Erdoğan, (Turkey)
127. Oleg Dergachov (France)
128. Oleg Mikhailov, (Russia)
129. Oleksii Fedorenko, (Ukraine)
130. Oleksii Sobolevskyi, (Ukraine)
131. Olga Krupenkova, (Belarus)
132. Olga Samosujk, (Russia)
133. Ondrej Revicky, (Slovakia)
134. Onul (Oriofonul) Kundakçı, (Turkey)
135. Ovidiu Petca, (Romania)
136. Oya Pekmener, (Turkey)
137. Pavel Hlavaty, (Czech Rep.)
138. Pawel Binczycki, (Poland)
139. Pawel Delekta, (Poland)
140. Perla Margulies, (Argentina)
141. Peter Ford, (United Kingdom)
142. Peter Kocak , (Slovakia)
143. Peter Lazarov, (Bulgaria)
144. Rahul Dhiman, (India)
145. Rakesh Bani, (India)
146. Rana Özdemir, (Turkey)
147. Remo Giatti, (Italy)
148. Rolf Fleischmann, (Germany)
149. Ruben Dario Acosta, (Argentina)
150. Rumen Nechev, (Bulgaria)
151. Ryszard Balon, (Poland)
152. Salih Geçimli, (Turkey)
153. Semiha Binzet, (Turkey)
154. Sezin Türk Kaya, (Turkey)
155. Silvana Martignoni, (Italy)
156. Silvia Berruezo, (Argentina)
157. Sinem Algan, (Turkey)
158. Snezhina Biserova, (Bulgaria)
159. Sturtz German, (Argentina)
160. Svetlana Ryabova, (Russia)
161. Svetlana Volosiuk, (Belarus)
162. Takanori Iwase, (Japan)
163. Torill Elisabeth Larsen, (Norway)
164. Tsareva Tatiana, (Russia)
165. Ugne Zilyte, (Lithuania)
166. Valerio Mezzetti, (Italy)
167. Vasiliki Iliakopoulou, (Greece)
168. Vasiliki Kolipetsa, (Greece)
169. Vedat Çolak, (Turkey)
170. Veselin Damyanov-Ves, (Bulgaria)
171. Vladislav Kvartalnyj, (Belarus)
172. Volodymyr Vereshchain, (Ukraine)
173. Wenhong Zhang, (China)
174. Wojciech Osuchowski, (Czech Rep.)
175. Yağmur Sabaz, (Turkey)
176. Yaprak İnce, (Turkey)
177. Yasemin Toker, (Turkey)
178. Yaşar Uslu, (Turkey)
179. Yeşim Önde, (Turkey)
180. Yuko Morino, (Japan)
181. Yurduşen Konanç, (Turkey)
182. Yury Molibozhenko, (Russia)
183. Yusuf Keş, (Turkey)
184. Zbigniew Osenkowski, (Poland)
185. Zdenek Bugan, (Slovakia)
186. Zeliha Kayahan, (Turkey)
187. Zülfikar Sayın, (Turkey)
The Jury was composed of:
Prof. Dr. Martin R. Baeyens, Ex-libris Artist – Belgium (Chairman of the jury)
Şükrü Ertürk, Ex-libris Artist, Banknote Designer - Turkey
M. Sonay Gürgen, Selçuk Ecza Deposu Chairman of the Board - Turkey
Prof. Dr. Yalçın Kırdar, İstinye University, Faculty of Communication (Vice Dean) - Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş, President of Istanbul Ex-libris Society and Museum – Turkey
452 artists from 36 countries participated in the 5th International Ex-libris Competition with 1179 different ex-libris works. 250 ex-libris from 187 artists have been selected for the exhibition and catalogue. 8 Awards, 10 Honorable Mention and 10 Honorary Certificates have been given to the artists.
Award Ceremony and Opening of Exhibition will be held in November 15, 2022, Tuesday, 03:30 PM at Istinye University Vadi Campus. Address: Ayazaga Mah. Azerbaycan Cad. Vadistanbul 4A Blok, Sarıyer / Istanbul, Turkey. The exhibition can be visited on November 15 - December 15, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM.
1. First Prize (Istinye University); Veselin Damyanov-ves, (Bulgaria)
2. Second Prize (Selçuk Ecza Deposu); Krzysztof Marek Bak, (Poland)
3. Third Prize (Istanbul Ex-libris Society); Marin Gruev, (Bulgaria)
4. Special Prize (Mürşide İçmeli / Dinçer Pilgir); Danski Mariusz, (Poland)
5. Special Prize (Tülay-Şükrü Ertürk); Hedieh Jafari, (Iran)
6. Special Prize (Nesrin-Orhan Akbulut); Mauricio Schvarzman, (Argentina)
7. Special Prize (Ayşe-Noyan Ünal); Gennady Pugachevsky, (Ukraine)
8. Special Prize (Mehmet Rafet Atalık); Emre Şengün, (Turkey)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Ayşen Erte, (Turkey)
2. Erkin Keskin, (Turkey)
3. Grzegorz Izdebski, (Poland)
4. Katarzyna Handzlik, (Poland)
5. Kun Wang, (China)
6. Marek Grzyb, (Poland)
7. Meryem Yeşilkök, (Turkey)
8. Pawel Binczycki, (Poland)
9. Sinem Algan, (Turkey)
10. Snezhina Biserova, (Bulgaria)
Honorary Certificates:
1. Ahmet Selçuk Kızılışık, (Turkey)
2. Christine Deboosere, (Belgium)
3. Elzbieta Radzikowska, (Poland)
4. Ivan Rusachek, (Poland)
5. Julian Jordanov, (Bulgaria)
6. Lukasz Cywicki, (Poland)
7. Martin Manojlin, (Czech Rep.)
8. Oleg Dergachov, (France)
9. Peter Lazarov, (Bulgaria)
10. Rumen Nechev, (Bulgaria)
Exhibition / Catalogue:
1. Agata Perzynska, (Poland)
2. Ahmet Selçuk Kızılışık, (Turkey)
3. Alejandra Coirini, (Argentina)
4. Aleksandra Valchuk, (Ukraine)
5. Alexander Lytkin, (Russia)
6. Alexandru Jakabhazi, (Romania)
7. Andras Reti, (Hungary)
8. Andreas Ramb, (Germany)
9. Andrew Levitsky, (Ukraine)
10. Anıl Çakmak, (Turkey)
11. Anna Tikhonova, (Bulgaria)
12. Anna Trojanowska, (Poland)
13. Arina Ponomareva Sergeevna, (Russia)
14. Aubert Patrick, (France)
15. Ayben Kaynar Tanır, (Turkey)
16. Ayşe Anıl, (Turkey)
17. Ayşegül Kıranoğlu, (Turkey)
18. Ayşen Erte, (Turkey)
19. Bai Wen Lu, (China)
20. Berk Yılmaz, (Turkey)
21. Berna İşbilir Aydın, (Turkey)
22. Berrin İlhan, (Turkey)
23. Büşra Ekmen, (Turkey)
24. C. Gladys Munoz, (Argentina)
25. Canan Bilge, (Turkey)
26. Carla Ibarra, (Mexico)
27. Christine Deboosere, (Belgium)
28. Czeslaw Kazimierrz Wos, (Poland)
29. Danski Mariusz, (Poland)
30. Diego Axel Lazcano, (Argentina)
31. Dimo Milanov, (Bulgaria)
32. Drimaylo Mykhailo, (Ukraine)
33. Durmuş Bahar, (Turkey)
34. Ecmel Sarıkaya, (Turkey)
35. Elena Felicia Selejan, (Romania)
36. Elif Çelik, (Turkey)
37. Elzbieta Radzikowska, (Poland)
38. Emre Şengün, (Turkey)
39. Ercan Tuna, (Germany)
40. Erhun Şengül, (Turkey)
41. Erkin Keskin, (Turkey)
42. Esra G. Güvenç, (Turkey)
43. Eva Ploczekova, (Slovakia)
44. Evangelos Tasios, (Greece)
45. Fevzi Nuri Kara, (Turkey)
46. Fatih Aksular, (Turkey)
47. Florencia Coschignano, (Argentina)
48. Gabriel Bude, (Argentina)
49. Galina Pavlova, (Bulgaria)
50. Gamze Dumlu, (Turkey)
51. Gennady Pugachevsky, (Ukraine)
52. Grzegorz Izdebski, (Poland)
53. Günter Hujber, (Czech Rep.)
54. Hakan Arslan, (Turkey)
55. Hasan Duman, (Turkey)
56. Hedieh Jafari, (Iran)
57. Hong Qiang Xu, (China)
58. Hristo Kerin, (Bulgaria)
59. Hristo Naidenov, (Bulgaria)
60. Igor Cvacho, (Slovakia)
61. Ioannis Anastasiou, (Greece)
62. Irina Kochurova, (Russia)
63. Irina Yelagina, (Russia)
64. Iryna Koliaadina (Ukraine)
65. Ivan Randjelovic, (Serbia)
66. Ivan Rusachek, (Poland)
67. İlka Nur Yavuz, (Turkey)
68. İsmail Aslan, (Turkey)
69. Jacek Marchowski (Polond)
70. Jane Beguchaya, (Russia)
71. Julian Jordanov, (Bulgaria)
72. Julieta Warman, (Argentina)
73. Kafiye Özlem Alp, (Turkey)
74. Kader Sürmeli, (Turkey)
75. Kamil Kocurek, (Turkey)
76. Katarzyna Handzlik, (Poland)
77. Kristina Zilinskaite, (Lithuania)
78. Krzysztof Marek Bak, (Poland)
79. Ksenia Avramova, (Russia)
80. Kun Wang, (China)
81. Leon Leenders, (Belgium)
82. Leonid Kuris, (Israel)
83. Leonid Strofanov, (Russia)
84. Leonova Dina, (Russia)
85. Ludmila Kotelnikova, (Russia)
86. Luigi Casalino, (Italy)
87. Luis Morado, (Argentina)
88. Lukasz Cywicki, (Poland)
89. Magdalena Pawelec, (Poland)
90. Majka Dokudowicz, (Poland)
91. Malou oi Yee Hung, (Hong Kong)
92. Marcela Miranda, (Italy)
93. Marcelina Gebicka, (Poland)
94. Marek Grzyb, (Poland)
95. Maria Maddalena Tuccelli, (Italy)
96. Maria Skorys, (Poland)
97. Marianna Antonacci, (Italy)
98. Marin Gruev, (Bulgaria)
99. Marko Vasic, (Serbia)
100. Martin Manojlin, (Czech Rep.)
101. Marziya Zhaksygarina, (Kazakhstan)
102. Mauricio Schvarzman, (Argentina)
103. Maya Tcholakova, (Bulgaria)
104. Mazlum Cabir Uluyol, (Turkey)
105. Mehmet Arslan Güven, (Turkey)
106. Meral Özdemir, (Turkey)
107. Meryem İmran Karaca, (Turkey)
108. Meryem Yeşilkök, (Turkey)
109. Mevlüt Ünal, (Turkey)
110. Michele Stragliati, (Italy)
111. Mika Sakimoto, (Japan)
112. Ming Fang Ho, (China)
113. Murat Ertürk, (Turkey)
114. Mustafa Kınık, (Turkey)
115. Münüre Şahin, (Turkey)
116. Natalia Leszczynska, (Poland)
117. Natalia Pawlus, (Poland)
118. Nazan Sönmez, (Turkey)
119. Nesligül Hasdemir, (Turkey)
120. Neş’ever Gür, (Turkey)
121. Nida Nur Alamaz, (Turkey)
122. Nilgün Köseoğlu, (Turkey)
123. Nina Kazimova, (Russia)
124. Nityananda Gaine, (Bangladesh)
125. Nurdan Adıgüzel, (Turkey)
126. Nurten Erdoğan, (Turkey)
127. Oleg Dergachov (France)
128. Oleg Mikhailov, (Russia)
129. Oleksii Fedorenko, (Ukraine)
130. Oleksii Sobolevskyi, (Ukraine)
131. Olga Krupenkova, (Belarus)
132. Olga Samosujk, (Russia)
133. Ondrej Revicky, (Slovakia)
134. Onul (Oriofonul) Kundakçı, (Turkey)
135. Ovidiu Petca, (Romania)
136. Oya Pekmener, (Turkey)
137. Pavel Hlavaty, (Czech Rep.)
138. Pawel Binczycki, (Poland)
139. Pawel Delekta, (Poland)
140. Perla Margulies, (Argentina)
141. Peter Ford, (United Kingdom)
142. Peter Kocak , (Slovakia)
143. Peter Lazarov, (Bulgaria)
144. Rahul Dhiman, (India)
145. Rakesh Bani, (India)
146. Rana Özdemir, (Turkey)
147. Remo Giatti, (Italy)
148. Rolf Fleischmann, (Germany)
149. Ruben Dario Acosta, (Argentina)
150. Rumen Nechev, (Bulgaria)
151. Ryszard Balon, (Poland)
152. Salih Geçimli, (Turkey)
153. Semiha Binzet, (Turkey)
154. Sezin Türk Kaya, (Turkey)
155. Silvana Martignoni, (Italy)
156. Silvia Berruezo, (Argentina)
157. Sinem Algan, (Turkey)
158. Snezhina Biserova, (Bulgaria)
159. Sturtz German, (Argentina)
160. Svetlana Ryabova, (Russia)
161. Svetlana Volosiuk, (Belarus)
162. Takanori Iwase, (Japan)
163. Torill Elisabeth Larsen, (Norway)
164. Tsareva Tatiana, (Russia)
165. Ugne Zilyte, (Lithuania)
166. Valerio Mezzetti, (Italy)
167. Vasiliki Iliakopoulou, (Greece)
168. Vasiliki Kolipetsa, (Greece)
169. Vedat Çolak, (Turkey)
170. Veselin Damyanov-Ves, (Bulgaria)
171. Vladislav Kvartalnyj, (Belarus)
172. Volodymyr Vereshchain, (Ukraine)
173. Wenhong Zhang, (China)
174. Wojciech Osuchowski, (Czech Rep.)
175. Yağmur Sabaz, (Turkey)
176. Yaprak İnce, (Turkey)
177. Yasemin Toker, (Turkey)
178. Yaşar Uslu, (Turkey)
179. Yeşim Önde, (Turkey)
180. Yuko Morino, (Japan)
181. Yurduşen Konanç, (Turkey)
182. Yury Molibozhenko, (Russia)
183. Yusuf Keş, (Turkey)
184. Zbigniew Osenkowski, (Poland)
185. Zdenek Bugan, (Slovakia)
186. Zeliha Kayahan, (Turkey)
187. Zülfikar Sayın, (Turkey)

Istinye University and BASE Istanbul are organizing a workshop titled "Istanbul XRART Residency".
Within the scope of the event, it is aimed to create new and original works of art using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Participating artists will have access to hardware, software and special workspaces at Istinye University Vadi Campus during 1 - 12 August.
Designated artists and creative technologists work together to develop original works of Extended Reality (XR) art. Completed projects will be displayed in a special immersive art exhibition in October.
Within the scope of the event, it is aimed to create new and original works of art using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Participating artists will have access to hardware, software and special workspaces at Istinye University Vadi Campus during 1 - 12 August.
Designated artists and creative technologists work together to develop original works of Extended Reality (XR) art. Completed projects will be displayed in a special immersive art exhibition in October.

Within the scope of the high school summer school organized by Istinye University for high school students, Faculty of Communication faculty member Prof. Hasip Pektaş gave a lecture on Composition in Design with the students. The active participation of the students was observed in the lecture held on the Vadi campus on June 23, 2022. İstinye University High School Summer School aims to experience university life without being a university student yet.

Visual Communication Design faculty member Prof. Hasip Pektaş held an Ex-libris Workshop in their own school with Bakırköy Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students on June 2, 2022. In the event for Graphic Design students, besides the transfer of theoretical knowledge about ex-libris, practical work was also done. As a result of the event, the students made many new ex-libris designs.

“Social Power of Design” was discussed on April 27, International Design Day.
Panel guests Prof. Dr. Yusuf Keş (Suleyman Demirel University), Assoc. Dr. Doğan Arslan (Istanbul Medeniyet University) and Lecturer Oktay Barkın (Akdeniz University). The moderator of the event was Prof. Hatice Öz Pektaş, the head of the Visual Communication Design Department at the Faculty of Communication at Istinye University. In addition to the conversation, the guests shared examples of their own social work.
Panel guests Prof. Dr. Yusuf Keş (Suleyman Demirel University), Assoc. Dr. Doğan Arslan (Istanbul Medeniyet University) and Lecturer Oktay Barkın (Akdeniz University). The moderator of the event was Prof. Hatice Öz Pektaş, the head of the Visual Communication Design Department at the Faculty of Communication at Istinye University. In addition to the conversation, the guests shared examples of their own social work.

"Neuromarketing Talks", organized by Istinye University, Faculty of Communication, continues. prof. Dr. The second guest of the talks moderated by Hatice Öz Pektaş, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. It was Dincer Atli. The talk, titled "Neuromarketing: Is It Reading Our Brains", was held on Thursday, April 21 at 18:00 via zoom.

Within the scope of the "Health Envoys Training Program" initiated by Istinye University and Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, live classes were held with the participation of faculty members of the Faculty of Communication as trainers. Within the scope of the project, Professor of Public Relations and Advertising Department. Dr. Yalçın Kırdar "Campaign Design", Visual Communication Design Department lecturer Prof. Dr. Hatice Öz Pektaş held the "Poster Design" workshop.
Teams consisting of 10th and 11th grade high school students and their teachers participated in the training program prepared within the scope of the "Teacher Hold My Hand" project. The teams completed their social responsibility training and started to prepare their projects.
Istinye University Vice Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Peyami ÇELİKCAN and Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education Special Education Branch Manager Gülşen ÖZER's opening speeches are aimed at creating the right awareness of health among students, and facilitating the lives of students with chronic diseases through a healthy society, healthy youth and peer solidarity.
Teams consisting of 10th and 11th grade high school students and their teachers participated in the training program prepared within the scope of the "Teacher Hold My Hand" project. The teams completed their social responsibility training and started to prepare their projects.
Istinye University Vice Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Peyami ÇELİKCAN and Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education Special Education Branch Manager Gülşen ÖZER's opening speeches are aimed at creating the right awareness of health among students, and facilitating the lives of students with chronic diseases through a healthy society, healthy youth and peer solidarity.

"Media Harvest", where the student projects of the Faculty of Communication are exhibited, started. The works of Visual Communication Design Department students were also included in the screenings and exhibitions planned on the B1 floor of Vadi Campus on April 18-19.

Ex-libris Workshop within the scope of ISU Faculty of Communication Skills Development Workshops, Istanbul Ex-libris Association President and Visual Communication Design faculty member Prof. It started at 11:00 on Tuesday, April 12, under the coordination of Hasip Pektaş.

Visual Communication Design faculty member and Istanbul Ex-libris Museum director Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş organized a trip to the Istanbul Ex-libris Museum with the students of Istinye University. During the trip, students had the opportunity to see the museum collection and the works of different artists from around the world.

A seminar titled "Fast, Easy, Powerful Solutions in Graphic Applications" was held, organized by the Communication Design Club and Ceyhun Akgün participated as a trainer.

In partnership with 4tomorrow Association, with the organization of Istinye University Faculty of Communication, “Fake News” Poster Exhibition was opened in the foyer area of Vadi Campus. Opening, Head of Visual Communication Design Prof. Dr. Hatice Öz Pektaş and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. It was held with the speeches of Peyami Çelikcan.
Visual Communication Design Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş was the guest of the talk titled "Ex-libris and Ex-libris Competitions" moderated by Prof. Musa Köksal and organized by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Bodrum Faculty of Fine Arts. The interview, which was held on the Zoom platform, was held with the interest and participation of faculty members and students.
Visual Communication Design Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş was the guest of live broadcast conversations about culture and art, prepared and presented by Kurtuluş Mehmet Sönmez, the founder of KMS Creative. In the interview held on the Instagram platform, anecdotes about Hasip Pektaş's academic journey and his experiences as a design educator were shared, and suggestions were made to students who are the professionals of the future.

The 4th International Ex-libris Competition Exhibition on "Pharmacy, Medicine and Human Health", hosted by Istinye University with the support of Istanbul Ex-libris Association and Selcuk Ecza Deposu, was opened in Istinye University Vadi Campus.

"The Title Deed of the Book: Ex-libris" was discussed at the event held as part of the Design Talks by the Visual Communication Design Department of the Faculty of Communication of Istinye University.